Positively Blooming in Her own Space and Time

We all grow in our own time and space.

Most of us…for the most part…try to help others grow, too. We “think” we know what is best for others and unintentionally at times we force them to grow in places that ultimately lead to devastation for that person because they were not ready to be pushed to “grow.”

My orchid below is the best example I can find and I hope today if you are seeking it will help. Whether you are the one (unintentionally) forcing someone to grow or whether you are the one that just wants to be left alone to grow.


I was given this gift by one of my favorite people in the world Kathy Westhoff. Almost 2 years ago she gave it to me in FULL BLOOM! Oh how I loved it! I would set it in my kitchen everyday where I would talk to it, nurture it, put ice cubes in it when I was supposed to (I knew not to over water). It made me so happy! It was the tangible gift of love that reminded me my friend was always “with me.”

Then it started to whither, I talked to it more, gave “it” props and told the orchard how much I loved and supported its growth! That “her” beauty brought me so much joy! The Orchard kept withering more and more each day until it became a sad stick. She truly did not need my “Coaching” in her beautiful life.

I said “okay, Orchid….you win.” I took her outside, put her on my lanai and left her to peacefully “die.” There was no way I would throw “her” away. She had to much beauty, value and grace. She just didn’t know it yet or maybe she did know exactly what she needed- and I was missing “the boat” as I was sure my love and support and forcing her to grow where I wanted her to be, was the answer.

In the past 6 months this beautiful orchid could not be happier in the deepest, darkest corner of my lanai. She does not want to be the center of attention. She does not want my nourishment – only my acceptance for her to grow in her own time. She wants me to love her exactly where she is at.

I choose to let this Orchid be a daily reminder of how I choose to help others. I am here to support, love and nurture. I am not here to tell others when and how to grow and when and how to bring “life” to themselves.

We are in a world of people that hurt on most days. Lets love them, support them and ask God for guidance on how to nurture them so they can not just survive in life but thrive in life.

Love and life have always bloomed in the deepest and darkest places. I thank God for sending me Kathy Westhoff and I thank God for this reminder to simply let Go, Let God and Let Love lead the way. #MarkedByGrace #Orchid #LoveBloomsInDarkPlaces

Picture of Melissa Wandall

Melissa Wandall

International Keynote Speaker. Dedicated to educate, encourage and empower individuals and organizations for greater impact.

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